5 बजे - अनुवाद करना

New Yorkers have had enough of these pro-Hamas/Palestinian soyboys

Bro has brass knuckles! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

5 बजे - अनुवाद करना

The campus at the University of Washington was busy


5 बजे - अनुवाद करना


9 बजे - अनुवाद करना

it's starting to get busy here on the campus of the University of Washington this morning - ANTIFA militant losers

Should be a violent an interesting day

9 बजे - अनुवाद करना

My friend Sahih burning a Qur'An at the house of a local HAMAS supporting protest organizer John Hacker🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥