How to JetBlue Airways manage My booking?

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Are you a JetBlue Airways customer? No matter what type of ticket you have, we want to make sure that your flight is as smooth and seamless as possible. To help with this process, we've put together some helpful tips for Jetblue Manage Booking.

Are you a JetBlue Airways customer? No matter what type of ticket you have, we want to make sure that your flight is as smooth and seamless as possible. To help with this process, we've put together some helpful tips for Jetblue Manage Booking.

How to JetBlue Airways manage my booking?

How do I book a flight?

How do I change my flight?

How can I cancel my JetBlue flight?

To change or cancel your reservation, call the number on your confirmation email or visit If you need help with a refund, call 1-800-JETBLUE (538-2583) within 24 hours of making the change or cancellation online (Monday through Friday from 7:00am - 10:00pm ET). You may also chat live with an agent at between 9:00am - 7:00pm ET Monday through Friday and from 12:00pm - 6:00pm Saturday Sunday.*Why can't I get a refund if I cancel my trip?

How do I change my flight?

To change your flight, you need to go to the homepage, click on 'My Bookings' and then select your booking.

Once you've selected your booking you will see all of the details for that trip: flight number, date and time, departure city and destination. Scroll down until you see 'Change Flight' in green writing at the bottom of the page. Clicking on this button will open up a new window where you can either cancel your existing reservation or change its details (if there is still availability).

To make changes simply enter your new flight information into these fields:

When entering new dates please note that they must be within six months from today's date (or if it's an international flight then within three months). If they aren't within these limits then JetBlue may not allow them at all - so double check before entering!

How do I cancel my trip?

If you want to cancel your trip, there are a few options. The first is to call JetBlue Airways customer service and let them know that you would like to cancel your flight. This can be done at any time before your departure date.

You can also cancel online from the same page where you booked your ticket or by mail if that's more convenient for you. You'll need proof of travel insurance when doing this so don't forget about it!

Why can't I get a refund when I cancel my trip with JetBlue Airways?

You can't get a refund when you cancel your trip with JetBlue Airways. However, if you have purchased a fare that includes a non-refundable ticket price and the option to cancel without penalty, then you may be eligible for a credit toward future travel. The amount of money credited will depend on the fare class and type of ticket purchased by the passenger.

If none of these options work for you, there's one last thing: call customer service at 1-800-JETBLUE (538-2583) or visit their website at

How can I change the names on my tickets purchased through JetBlue Airways?

To change the names on your tickets purchased through JetBlue Airways, use the JetBlue Airways website or call customer service. You can also change them in person at the airport. If you need to make any changes to your flight information, do so via the website or by calling customer service before arriving at the airport; once you've checked in and gone through security, there will be no way for them to help you with this process.

If changing names on a ticket purchased through JetBlue Airways: Go to [ Select "Manage My Booking" under "Travel Tools," then enter your last name and email address when prompted.*

To add another person: Select "Add Passenger" under "Manage My Booking." Enter their full name as it appears on their ID (first name last), date of birth, gender and passport number if applicable; then click "Next." The system will automatically calculate fees based on how many bags are checked per person plus carry-on items.*

Why do I have to pay a change fee when I change the names on my tickets?

A change fee is required when you make any changes to your booking. The change fee is $50 per person, per change, and it's non-refundable. If you book with JetBlue and then need to make a name change within 24 hours of booking (before or after travel), no changes are charged for those names.

Learn how to manage your bookings with JetBlue Airways.

JetBlue Airways is a low-cost carrier that offers flights to destinations in the U.S., Caribbean and Latin America. The airline is known for its customer service and innovative features like free onboard Wi-Fi and live TV on select flights.

You can manage your bookings with JetBlue Airways through their website or app, which allows you to check in for your flight, access airport information and make changes to your itinerary if necessary.


JetBlue Airways is a great airline that offers many ways for you to manage your bookings. You can change your flight, cancel a trip and even change the names on your tickets with ease. The best part about all these options is that they don't cost anything extra! If you have any questions about managing your bookings with JetBlue Airways then please contact us at (800) 538-2583 or visit our website at

