Places to visit in Jammu and Kashmir

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In this article you will get to know about the places to visit in Jammu & kashmir.



With its soft contemporary lakes, lush gardens, and mountains, Jammu and Kashmir never runs out of things to do. The captivating beauty of the location provides a tranquil jaunt for visitors looking to escape the hustle and bustle of urban life.  A most popular visitor places in Jammu and Kashmir are such gorgeous lakes, which are one of its major attractions. From the breathtaking waters of Pangong, India's highest lake, to the scenic shikaras in Dal, Srinagar's jewel lake of Kashmir and Jammu are a sight to see.  Jammu and Kashmir also has an amount of beautiful landscaped grounds. While a Shalimar Bagh and Nishant Bagh have outstanding Mughal designs, the Indira Gandhi Tulip Garden is home to approximately 50 species of tulips, creating it among the most stunning places to visit in Jammu and Kashmir. Tourists visiting Jammu and Kashmir are indeed drawn to the region's buddhist temples. Hemis Monastery, Phuktal Monastery, and Mulbekh Monastery are just a few of the monastic in this area.

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  1. Pangong Lake 

Pangong Lake, as well recognised as Pangong Tso, sits serenely at an altitudes of 14,270 feet. The lake is 12 kilometres long and lies between of India and China. Somewhat more, 60% of the part is in the neighbouring country, which stimulates every traveller to be there. The unnerving leanc waters are truly salt water or savoury in nature, and no aquatic life can survive in them. Furthermore, the thermostat range of -30 to -10 degrees Celsius causes even this briny lake to defrost with thick arctic ice, which is quite the reverse in the particular instance of salt-laden bodies of water. Each year, the emergence of migratory birds enhances the appeal of this scenic scenery location, attracting many visitors in pursuit of adventure, photos, bird-watching, and a chilling experience. Pangong has another distinct and appealing characteristic: it can change its colour from blue to green to even greyish at times. During the winters in Ladakh, the brine of Pangong tends to attract migratory birds.


  1. Nubra Valley


Nubra Valley, one of the beautiful areas of Ladakh's moonscapes, is a profound gorge formed by the combined effects of the Shyok and Nubra (Siachen) rivers. Nubra Valley is a rising elevational cold desert that stretches from China to Ladakh.This plateau valley segregates the Ladakh Range from the Karakoram Range. But, above all, Nubra Valley represents the most stunning place in Ladakh. The Diskit Monastery, the Hundar Sand Dunes, the Samstanling Gompa, the Yarab Tso Lake, and the villages of Turtuk and Panamik are all located here. Nubra Valley, situated about 160 kilometres from Leh, the capital of Ladakh, is a popular destination for visitors. The gateway to the country's upper reaches, particularly Siachen, Nubra Valley has a hideaway of a city in the heart, Diskit, which is an excellent place to pause and reflect on the gorgeousness round the you.



The Khardung La pass provides access to some of the captivating and undiscovered scenery in the world. This well-known mountain pass is popular with both adventurers and regular tourists. Khardung La is located at an elevation of 5,359 metres in the Indian Union Territory's Leh district. It is considered to be the most motorable pass on the planet. Khardung La is historically significant because it lies on the main caravan route that connects Leh to Kashgar in Central Asia.

During World War II, an attempt was made to transfer the war to China via this route. Khardung La was built in 1976, and it became open to the public's motorized vehicles in 1988. The Border Roads Organisation maintains the pass, which is of critical strategic significance because it is used to move cargo to the Siachen Glacier.


  1. Tso Moriri Lake


Tso Moriri, also known as Mountain Lake, is one of the two most visited lagoons in the Ladakh region of  northern Indian Jammu and Kashmir state. While Pangong Tso is more popular of the two, Tso Moriri manages to take tourists' breath away including its tranquil gorgeousness.Tso Moriri, a serene and tranquil high elevation lake in Changtang Wildlife Sanctuary, is located at a whopping 4595 metres above sea level. It can be up to 28 kilometres long and 100 feet thick on ordinary. Because it is in a nature reserve, you could indeed pitch a tent there, but you can choose to stay in one of the camps surrounding Tso Moriri Lake, which offers a breathtaking panorama of the lake. While the reflective thinking of snow-capped mountains in the lake's pristine waters will soothe your soul, the exotic migrating birds flying just above magnificent lake will make you become infatuated with nature. The lake is surrounded by tall mountains, trying to make it a hidden treasure in Ladakh's cold desert land. It is an ideal tourist spot for adventurous travellers as well as people looking to explore Ladakh's untouched beauty.


  1. Magnetic Hill


Magnetic Hill in Ladakh, situated at an altitudes of 14,000 feet, is among the most strange and fascinating places to see in the country. This small cyclops cairn is thought to be a location where the troops of gravitational pull are defied, as vehicles appear to be pulled upwards on the hill. While a number of theories that could help to solve the mystery of this unusual phenomenon, there is also a widely held local belief that Magnetic Hill Road is a direct "stairway to heaven." A  signboard on the street to Magnetic Hill reads, "Magnetic Hill When you park your car in impartial gear, users will eventually notice it moving uphill at a speed of 10 to 20 kilometres against the gravity's pull.
