Resolving QuickBooks Error 12057: A Step-by-Step Guide

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In this step-by-step guide, we will explain the causes behind QuickBooks Error 12057 and provide effective solutions to resolve it.


QuickBooks is a powerful accounting software that helps businesses manage their financial data effectively. However, users may encounter errors that can disrupt their workflow. One such error is QuickBooks Error 12057. This error typically occurs during the process of updating QuickBooks or when trying to download payroll updates. In this step-by-step guide, we will explain the causes behind QuickBooks Error 12057 and provide effective solutions to resolve it. By following the instructions below, you can overcome this error and continue using QuickBooks without interruptions.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding QuickBooks Error 12057
  2. Causes of QuickBooks Error 12057
  3. Solutions to Resolve QuickBooks Error 12057 3.1 Solution 1: Check Your Internet Connection 3.2 Solution 2: Verify Internet Explorer Settings 3.3 Solution 3: Configure Firewall and Security Software 3.4 Solution 4: Reset Internet Explorer Settings 3.5 Solution 5: Update QuickBooks to the Latest Release 3.6 Solution 6: Seek Professional Assistance
  4. Conclusion

1. Understanding QuickBooks Error 12057

QuickBooks Error 12057 is an error code that occurs when updating QuickBooks or downloading payroll updates. This error is often accompanied by a message indicating a problem with the internet connection. Understanding the causes of this error and following the appropriate solutions will help you resolve the issue and successfully update QuickBooks or download payroll updates.

2. Causes of QuickBooks Error 12057

Several factors can trigger QuickBooks Error 12057. Some of the common causes include:

  • Internet connectivity issues or unstable internet connection.
  • Incorrect or misconfigured Internet Explorer settings.
  • Firewall or security software blocking QuickBooks from accessing the internet.
  • Outdated QuickBooks version or missing updates.

3. Solutions to Resolve QuickBooks Error 12057

Here are six effective solutions to help you troubleshoot and fix QuickBooks Error 12057:

3.1 Solution 1: Check Your Internet Connection

Ensure that you have a stable internet connection. Verify that other internet-dependent applications are working correctly. If you encounter any issues with your internet connection, contact your internet service provider (ISP) for assistance.

3.2 Solution 2: Verify Internet Explorer Settings

QuickBooks uses Internet Explorer settings to establish internet connections. Ensure that the settings in Internet Explorer are configured correctly. Check the proxy settings, security settings, and privacy settings to ensure they align with the requirements of QuickBooks.

3.3 Solution 3: Configure Firewall and Security Software

Firewalls and security software can sometimes block QuickBooks from accessing the internet, resulting in Error 12057. Configure your firewall and security software to allow QuickBooks access to the internet. Consult the documentation or contact the provider of your security software for assistance with adjusting the settings.

3.4 Solution 4: Reset Internet Explorer Settings

Resetting Internet Explorer to its default settings can resolve issues with misconfigured settings that trigger Error 12057. Open Internet Explorer, go to the settings or options menu, and locate the option to reset the settings. Follow the prompts to reset Internet Explorer and restart your computer.

3.5 Solution 5: Update QuickBooks to the Latest Release

Make sure that you are using the latest release of QuickBooks. Intuit frequently releases updates and patches to address known issues and improve software performance. Updating QuickBooks to the latest version can often resolve Error 12057 and ensure compatibility with the latest internet protocols.

3.6 Solution 6: Seek Professional Assistance

If the error persists or you are not confident in performing the troubleshooting steps on your own, it may be best to seek professional assistance. Contact QuickBooks support or consult with an IT professional experienced in QuickBooks troubleshooting. They can provide personalized guidance and advanced troubleshooting techniques to resolve the error.


QuickBooks Error 12057 can disrupt your ability to update QuickBooks or download payroll updates. By understanding the causes and implementing the solutions provided in this guide, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve the error. Remember to check your internet connection, verify Internet Explorer settings, configure firewall and security software, update QuickBooks to the latest release, and seek professional assistance if needed. With these steps, you can overcome Error 12057 and ensure a smooth experience with QuickBooks.
