Conclusion of the essay to write yourself - by

تبصرے · 905 مناظر

The conclusion of the essay is the last thing you will need to write yourself.

The conclusion of the essay is the last thing you will need to write yourself. Here you will need to put together the introduction, the conclusions of the main part and express from this the conclusion.


The volume of the work takes about 1 page. At the same time, you can not just copy the text from one chapter and transfer it to the conclusion. Try to paraphrase more and make your own conclusions. In this way, you will be able to write your own abstract.


The formatting of the abstract is the final stage. First of all you have to bring the whole text to the standards of GOST.


Font is Times New Roman, size 14, black

Text alignment - full width

Line spacing - 1,5 cm

Paragraph - 1,25 cm

Then the headings must be designed correctly


Alignment to the center of the page


The title may be circled in bold type

A double line spacing is necessary between two paragraphs to allow the headline to stand out

Be sure to number all pages except the title page. Although the order of counting begins with it.


This is the design that will be considered correct. After completing this work, you will be able to say that you were able to write an essay in one day.


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