Profit from the Post-Pandemic Book Boom

Komentar · 544 Tampilan

Acutrack is the book printer and book fulfillment service ideal for self-publishers with an eye on profits and outstanding customer service.

With sales increasing, the book industry as a whole (including self-published authors) has been on a roll. People started reading more when stuck at home during the pandemic, and the habit has stuck. Whether you're doing custom journal printing or writing the great American novel, the opportunities exist if you produce a high-quality book. One of the most important things for self-publishers to remember is the need to compete well against traditionally published titles. It means professional cover design, working with an editor, and likely having a publicist. Your choices will impact how far your book will go.

The fact that many younger people have become voracious readers is a boon to the book world. It's also of note that books have not had significant paradigm changes (online) like the ones that have killed magazines and newspapers. Statistics show that more than 80 percent of books are still read in physical copy form. eBooks and audiobooks, together, make up around 20 percent of the market. It surprises many who expected a more significant shift of book content to digital platforms. The internet's most prominent role in the book world is promotion. Just about every platform has content devoted to books.

How you print your book says a lot about it. Working with a high-quality printer that provides binding and trim size options matters. If you've looked at the print on demand model, ensure it meets your book's needs. Some genres are very dependent on appearance, such as size and binding. If you go for on-demand printing and have only a partial range of options, it may limit your chances for success. If you have a creative spirit and are thinking about doing something unique, run it past several trusted people for an opinion. It's always important that your idea translates clearly to others.

If you're considering writing a book, industry insiders recommend doing market research first. For example, check out new releases in the genre you're considering. See what other authors have said already and how you can take the topic and advance it further. It's less clear-cut for fiction writers, but looking at the marketplace is still wise. Your book will not sell and be promoted in a bubble. It will be up against other titles in a dynamic and very competitive marketplace. Writing it to compete well against what exists in the market always helps. Planning is an excellent way to ensure your success.   
