Warm Weather Tips for E-Bikes

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Everybody loves riding a bike in the summer. And we know there are a few additional tips that can make you a happier rider when the temperatures rise. But what about your bike in the summertime? How do E-bikes do when it gets hot, hot, hot?

Generally, E-bikes are perfect for summer biking, although there are a few things you should consider that will keep your bike running at its very best.

Every Schwinn Electric bike uses Lithium-ion batteries that are made to operate under a wide range of temperatures. The ideal temperature that allows the batteries to operate at peak efficiency is when temperatures are somewhere between 60 and 80 degrees. Battery performance can deteriorate when temps dip below 40 degrees (which, hopefully, isn't an issue for you in the summer) and above 110 degrees.

A couple riding Schwinn e-bikes in the summer sun

6 Warm Weather E-Bike Tips

Too hot is too hot

We know you're probably thinking if it's 110 degrees you're unlikely to be riding your bike at all. We get that. Sure, those temps are bad for your bike, but more importantly, they are bad for you. So when it's above, say, 100 degrees it's a good idea to stay off the bike altogether.

But it's important to remember that your bike can get hotter than you. Our batteries are black. They will absorb heat when exposed to direct sunlight. As a rule, remember to park your E-bike in the shade and avoid keeping it sitting in the sun for more than a few minutes.

Bike sheds and garages without proper ventilation can heat up quickly, too. If you plan to ride when it's above 90 degrees, take your bike out of storage well in advance of your ride and allow the battery to cool down some if it's been store alongside the bike (but never store the battery on the bike).

If you must keep your bike inside a warm storage shed bring the battery inside to cooler, more reasonable temps.

Get it out of the car

By far, the biggest heat traps of summer heat are motor vehicles. Don't store your bike or your E-bike's battery in your motor vehicle in the summer. Researchers found that within just one hour, the inside temperature of a car parked in the sun in 95 degree weather can heat up to almost 120 degrees.

Interior car temps can go soar even higher. In a locked vehicle, a dark dashboard, steering wheel or seat can often reach temperature close to 200 degrees. Your bike's battery is not made to withstand that heat.

Like the warm shed, if you must keep you bike in the car, go ahead and remove the battery and store it somewhere cooler.

Prep properly

Anytime you head out on your e-bike, it's a good idea to go through a pre-ride checklist, making sure your battery is fully charged, your tires have enough air, and that your brakes are in proper working order. It's better to find out something's wrong when your close to home than when you've already laid down a few miles. It's even more important to take stock of yourself when taking the E-bike out for a ride in warm weather. Make sure you're ready with enough water and some sunscreen. Also a good idea to let somebody know your plans so they know when you're expected home.

A person removing the battery from their electric bike.

 Put away properly

At the end of your ride, remember to turn the E-bike's battery off, remove it and plug it into charge. You should always plan on storing the bike without the battery attached. Also, it's a good idea to wipe down the frame, especially if the bike got wet.  And check the tire pressure one more time. It pays to be prepared.

What if you get wet?

Warm weather bike riding brings with it the risk of being caught in a thunderstorm. Maybe you'll be tempted to ride through a sprinkler to cool yourself off. Perhaps there will be some massive, unavoidable puddles. Don't fret. Although not fully waterproof, E-bikes are water resistant, meaning they can get wet for short periods of time. Your E-bike won't suddenly stop working if you're riding in the rain. Still, don't purposefully ride through water and avoid getting caught in a downpour if you can. Should your bike get wet, it's imperative to wipe the battery and bike down thoroughly and make sure the battery casing is completely dry before recharging.

A couple walking with their e-bikes on the beach.

Cut the salt

Riding your bike to the beach is a fantastic summertime treat. If you've got plans to hit the beach this weekend, go and have fun. We have just one small warning.

If you're heading to a saltwater beach, remembers that salt is a corrosive and can cause all sorts of troubles for E-bike batteries. Avoid riding on the beach. After your ride, wipe down your battery, and your bike, with a clean, dry rag.

Take advantage of all the benefits of your E-bike this summer. Go farther. Go longer. Enjoy the sunshine. Simply remember to avoid high temps and the salt of the ocean will let your E-bike battery live a longer and more productive life.
