The Surprising Benefits of Bromelain

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Thanksgiving day was fun and not so fun . I had a great meal with friends at a local church, but was having such difficulty breathing I had to take along a portable oxygen tank.

Thanksgiving day was fun and not so fun . I had a great meal with friends at a local church, but was having such difficulty breathing I had to take along a portable oxygen tank.

Although I have COPD, I seldom need to use oxygen or use the portable tank. Thanksgiving was a different story. I was so stuffed up in my chest, even the portable oxygen tank didn't seem to be doing any good. I was wondering if something else was wrong, but by the end of the day discovered the problem was a severe asthma attack and nothing else.

I found the solution and it couldn't have come at a more appropriate time. Pineapple Juice. Although I had a jug of orange/pineapple juice in my refrigerator, I hadn't been able to find any straight pineapple juice in any of our 4 local grocery stores, so I asked one of the employees and she led me right to it.

I had been looking only in the refrigerator section of the stores. She took me to the canned fruit aisle and I found multiple varieties of canned pineapple juice.

Pineapple juice contains Bromelain, which is like a natural antihistamine which pretty much put an end to my stuffed-up feeling and I was able to breathe freely once again WITHOUT the use of a portable oxygen tank!

That was a Godsend, because the tank adds to the problem considering it weighs over 5 pounds and is a pain to carry with you.

After doing a little more research on the topic, I found it can be bought in capsule form and one of the available options is Bromelain + Quercetin which can be found on Amazon for less than $10.00 for a bottle of 120 capsules. That would last me for several months, at 1 capsule a day.

Quercetin has been called the biological equivalent of HCQ, even though it isn't sourced from cinchona bark; which is where quinine comes from; the active ingredient in HCQ.

I found an EXCELLENT source of information on other benefits of pineapple and bromelain as well. Some of it is mind-boggling, especially when you consider it has been shown to cure or prevent lung cancer.

Check it out: Surprising Health Benefits of Bromelain
