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What has happened? Where the hell am I? Is this really America?

I am a student of history. Well, I used to be. You see, I was actually stupid enough to believe that what was written on the page was actually true. Boy was I way off!

I always suspected as much because it always seemed like there were agendas woven into these narratives. It was as if I had an innate ability to sense an underlying agenda.

It didn't matter where I was. At school, church, or hanging out with good friends. I guess growing up amongst bullshit artists makes one easier to spot. You could say I was immune to bullshit.

That innate ability would save me many times throughout my life. Sometimes at very awkward moments. Nothing as dramatic as leaving someone at the altar, but pretty damned close.

Having an insatiable appetite for the truth, I would seek it wherever I could find it. It was like a treasure hunt in many ways. But, instead of clipping them and keeping the collection in a pristine scrapbook, I simply filed them away in my brain. That feeble, leaky and often inaccessible vault between my ears.

I don't think I was alone in this quest for the Holy Grail of truth. I believe if you seek something long enough with enough persistence, you're going to ultimately find whatever you're looking for.

I always knew that the truth wasn't going to be easy to find. It's something that many of us hide on a regular basis, for whatever reason, and when you add money, politics and religion (The only three taboo subjects to ever discuss) you have the makings of a really interesting treasure hunt.

I guess my naivety and youth led me to believe that our country was started by decent people who wanted what we all want in some way: Freedom.

While that is what they 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙙 us to believe, I never thought that almost every single word on the pages of these text books was a lie. Every single page spun with exacting narratives that 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 had labored to construct a storyline that seemed laudable to my young and eager skull full of mush.

While captured by my romanticized version of what I was being told, I always had this knowing that there was something that just wasn't quite right. And, never really understanding how critically important it was to be on course, particularly with my education.

A fact that most explorers know is that it is vital to be following the correct course from the beginning and to make certain you were indeed moving in the right direction at regular intervals. To not know the truth would, in essence, lead you somewhere entirely different than your intended destination.

And so, when you discover nearly 50 years later that everything you were told about history, science, and the fundamental elements of our culture was and still is one big colossal lie, it is like being punched hard right in the gut. Taking your breath away as you struggled to take a breath in vain.

As you begin to now seek out the truth with more determination than ever, you find yourself going down many dark and dank rabbit holes. And, although it piques your curiosity to head on down into these deep and dark places, your mind cannot properly process the images and stories you're now exposed to.

You begin to wonder what happened to bring these events into play, and what transpired that made these events so egregious that they were never mentioned in the text books you had so diligently read so many years ago?

You begin on an innocent quest to understand the truth, only to find yourself with more questions than answers. Still, you press on. Hoping to be led to the answers you so desperately need to know.

You soon discover how our victorious beginnings were short lived and that malevolent forces were at work behind the scenes from the very beginning. These circumstances took a most bizarre turn in 1871, as those who were in power decided to sell every single sovereign being into a perpetual state of slavery.

I ask again, What has happened? Where the hell am I? And is this really America? Once you have made these discoveries for yourself as well, perhaps you have found the answers that have eluded me. I do wish you would enlighten me if you should ever find the answers to these questions.

For now, I will be satisfied with knowing that I know the truth, and that I must now endeavor to tell everyone else.
