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University Seniors Who Were Robbed of Their High School Graduations Due to Democrat COVID Lockdowns Are ‘In Tears’ Over Canceled Ceremony As Campus Overrun by Far-Left Hitler Youth

The takeaway for young people who dogmatically follow the left, is the Democrats are life ruiners. The fundamental idea of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the enemy and the Democrats are working furiously to destroy it.


University Seniors Who Were Robbed of Their High School Graduations Due to Democrat COVID Lockdowns Are ‘In Tears’ Over Canceled Ceremony As Campus Overrun by Far-Left Hitler Youth - Geller Report

University Seniors Who Were Robbed of Their High School Graduations Due to Democrat COVID Lockdowns Are ‘In Tears’ Over Canceled Ceremony As Campus Overrun by Far-Left Hitler Youth - Geller Report

The takeaway for young people who dogmatically follow the left, is the Democrats are life ruiners. Everythuing they touch turns to shit. Life, liberty and the purist of happiness is