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Mysterious Jew-Hatred & FBI Turns Secret Police

SUMMARY: Cherie Zaslawsky looks Palestinian origins via old USSR Psy-Op against the Jewish Homeland of Israel followed by Leo Hohmann sharing opinion of the FBI turned Dem-Marxist Secret Police. ONLY KIND-A RELATED CROSS POSTS – TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3R3OBPa
#psuedopalestinians #fbisecretpolice

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Hillsdale College ‘Great Reset’ Video Series

SUMMARY: 6 Hillsdale College video lectures from early Nov 2021 on Great Reset tyranny agenda. True in 2021 & true now. TAKE A LOOK: https://johnhouk.substack.com/....p/hillsdale-college-

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When Govt & Science LIES to YOU!
You’ve Heard “Trust but Verify” – WAKE-UP and Verify BEFORE YOU Trust!

SUMMARY: J6 Lies exposed by the release of most the J6 video feeds which destroys the Dem-Marxist/RINO narrative of an insurrection. The proof shows an incited Fedsurrection. ALSO the Documentary “Kill Shot” reveals Govt-Science lies about mRNA “Safe & Effective” narrative. LESSON: Verify BEFORE Trust: https://bit.ly/3STREvO
#verifybeforetrust #govtlies #resisttyranny

SlantRight 2.0: When Govt & Science LIES to YOU!

SlantRight 2.0: When Govt & Science LIES to YOU!

You’ve Heard “Trust but Verify” – WAKE-UP and Verify BEFORE YOU Trust! John R. Houk, Blog Editor © November 22, 2023   Bitchute VIDE...
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Looking at Tyranny to Resist

SUMMARY: TODAY I’m posting a lot of videos I’ve either ran into on various Social Media Platforms, but primarily from Telegram surfing. If I was to label a theme, the line of thought is the government is tyranny-oriented and Medical Tyranny is a huge subset of government control. AND FOR THAT MATTER, I can toss in a large dash of Globalist Agenda New World Order. –TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3svfraY
#resisttyranny #knowtheenemy

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Sharing D’Souza’s ‘Police State’

SUMMARY: … The American Founders’ Republic has been shredded through decades of closet-creeping legal maneuvers of a New World Order Left, an unelected Bureaucracy and a Judiciary ignoring the Constitution it was supposed to protect with Judicial Fiat Case Law… Dinesh D’Souza has scored another truth-telling Documentary entitled “Police State”… TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3QDig1n
#policestate #DineshD’Souza

SlantRight 2.0: Sharing D’Souza’s ‘Police State’

SlantRight 2.0: Sharing D’Souza’s ‘Police State’

  John R. Houk, Blog Editor © November 13, 2023   I am a believer in America’s Founding Documents, ESPECIALLY the Declaration of Indep...

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