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Abortion is of God & is a Women Right -SriSunkara “IF ABORTION THERE MUST BE OK UNTIL 20TH WEEK THEN BE FREE SPIRIT DOES NOT ENTER IN TO BODY FORMED TILL QUICKENING” The only God is LOVE in Action. All Individual Gods created by Religions are delusion. God does not have a Gender. The Philosophy of Higher Spiritualism studies the Spiritual Teachings of the Elders of the Race – THE REAL ASCENDED MASTERS, ascended conscious Immortals. God’s kindness and compassion dictates Truth a new Spiritual Reality Quickening occurs around the 20th week of gestation, a time when a Fetus could survive separate from the mother, if removed. Only the individual Woman has the RIGHT under God’s Principles to make decision, State & Institutions have the obligation to protect and empower Women. If it were a case of saving the mother or the child, Mother’s life would have priority over that of the unborn. Insanity to argue killing or death of an individual is relevant prior Quickening. Please email – request FREE complete ABORTION Spiritual Revelation 25, Donate for the Spiritual Revelation 109, "Evolution and Birth Control". #abortion #women #womenrights #higherconsciousness #newage #spirituality #revelations #higherspiritualism #freefromreligion #ascendedmasters #donate #charity

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Conservative News Outlet Sues German Interior Ministry – Allah's Willing Executioners

Conservative News Outlet Sues German Interior Ministry – Allah's Willing Executioners

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Adidas, founded by a Nazi, picks loudly pro-Hamas supermodel as the face of its 1972 Munich Olympics shoe line – Allah's Willing Executioners

Adidas, founded by a Nazi, picks loudly pro-Hamas supermodel as the face of its 1972 Munich Olympics shoe line – Allah's Willing Executioners

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Song and Prayer Prayer is essential ... | Minds Prayer is essential ... | Minds obtain the grace that enriches earthly life and leads to heaven. Teach me how to Pray song by Jim Reeves. Subscribe to @mikael23 on Minds
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Syrian migrants stab German adult education centre teacher and injure him fatally – Allah's Willing Executioners

Syrian migrants stab German adult education centre teacher and injure him fatally – Allah's Willing Executioners

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Hi, I'm reading this book, and wanted to share this quote with you. "Finally, it can be said without fear of exaggeration that there is no single-volume work which so combines solidity of doctrine and practical usefulness with unction of treatment as does this truly marvelous Catechism. From beginning to end it not only reflects the light of faith, but it also radiates, to an unwonted degree, the warmth of devotion and piety. In its exposition of the Creed and the Sacraments, while dealing with the profoundest mysteries, it is full of thoughts and reflections the most fervent and inspiring. The part on the Decalogue, which might well be called a treatise on ascetical theology, teaches us in words burning with zeal both what we are to avoid and what we are to do to keep the Commandments of God. In the fourth, and last part o this beautiful work we have what is doubtless the most sublime and heavenly exposition of the doctrine of prayer ever written. The Roman Catechism is, therefore, a handbook of dogmatic and moral theology, a confessor's guide, a book of exposition for the preacher, and a choice directory of the spiritual life for pastor and flock alike. With a view, consequently, to make it more readily available for these high purposes among English-speaking peoples this new translation has been prepared and is herewith respectfully submitted to its readers. JOHN A. MCHUGH, O. P. CHARLES J. CALLAN, O. P." (from "Catechism of the Catholic Church: Trent Edition" by The Roman Catholic Church) Start reading it for free: -------------- Read on the go for free - download Kindle for Android, iOS, PC, Mac and more

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Censorship Happens – So I Redirect

SUMMARY: In these days in which more and more data is emerging that the mRNA IS NOT Safe and NOR Effective as shown even in U.S. Congressional Testimony, the Blogger Platform (Owned by Google) is still deleting posts under the guise COMMUNITY STANDARDS VIOLATIONS. (Why do I still use Blogger? Frankly, it is the location of most of my readers.) …READ ON TO READ POST DELETED on different platform.
#bloggercensorship #narrativelies

Censorship Happens – So I Redirect – The Conservative-Patriot Christian Right

Censorship Happens – So I Redirect – The Conservative-Patriot Christian Right

John R. Houk, Blog Editor © July 19, 2024 In these days in which more and more data is emerging that the mRNA IS NOT Safe and NOR Effective as shown even in U.S. Congressional Testimony, the Blogger Platform (Owned by Google) is still deleting posts