


2 лет - перевести

When people in California vote, how they do it is beyond me, but they don't vote for the best people to represent them. Look at the people who come from California and tell me these people are voter oriented. The majority that the voters in California put in office are for themselves and not for those who trusted them, so how do these Congressional members and state level politicians continue to deceive the populous of their state in the appearance of something they are not, my opinion. California voters can change their state if they just change the way they vote and be responsible in their decision making and vote for people that can be trusted to do as they say without an agenda. Vote intelligently and not on mere promises.

2 лет - перевести

I liked Donald J. Trump because he said what was on his mind without mixing words. I liked the way the country was going while he was in office. Would I vote for him again, sure would.

But then there's another side to my decision making when it comes to voting and it involves honesty and integrity. With the legalization of the use of propaganda by Obama (Soetoro), truth in absolute form went out the window and to me, it's a deceitful tactic with the intentions of deceitful practices. So, pull truth back into the mix. If Donald Trump broke the law, a law that applies to all people equally, Democrat or Republican, he should by all rights bear the consequences for his actions and decisions and so should anyone else presently in government or past where charges could be brought against them. Would I vote for him again under such circumstances, no. When it comes to honesty and integrity, you can't have compromise even if you like the individual in question and they performed with high success.

There are a lot of people in government who are questionable and were such in past service and they should never be allowed to remain or reacquire such positions in the present. The American people have the ability to change government and make it work for them, just be more acute as to who you elect. Require higher standards from those you trust and hold them accountable, like them or not.

2 лет - перевести

Elected officials are all in for the people they canvass for their votes, but what happens once they win the position they seek. Are they still all in for their constituents and follow through in their promises or do they then take the side of government and do its will over all else? That's where the people need to be more involved. When you elect someone out of trust and they blindside your trust, it's your responsibility to call them out on it to make them explain their decision and then you post the discussion online for all to see as confirmation for support. They promise to work for you and to your benefit, hold them to it or make their stay in the position they sought one of short term. Don't play games with them. Act as if you're their CEO and when they fail at a promise made, even if far-fetched when they made it, pull the plug on them and find a replacement during the next voting cycle. This is how you handle term limits when they refuse to pass a law that requires them. Hold them accountable to the highest degree, all of them.

2 лет - перевести

Will BuyDin address and denounce this?
Short answer - no effing way.

Joe Biden Incites a Democrat Lunatic To Run Over Republican Teenager

Joe Biden Incites a Democrat Lunatic To Run Over Republican Teenager

article: Website: OTHER PLATFORMS: Odysee:
2 лет - перевести

Americans First

These days it seems we are treated to yet another example of our supposed “representatives” favoring non-citizens over their fellow citizens every day.

Hey, elected officials! Remember us? The legal voters who put you in office? The people who fund this country’s government? I must have missed you campaigning for our votes on the platform of making American citizens lesser entities than non-citizens.

It is obvious to anyone who cares to look that being an American citizen assigns one second-class status when it comes to the law. American citizens will face fines, penalties, and jail time for offenses that are effectively ignored if one is in the country illegally.

But what really gets me fired up is how politicians blithely ignore opportunity costs: “When an option is chosen from alternatives, the opportunity cost is the ‘cost’ incurred by not enjoying the benefit associated with the best alternative choice.”

The concept of opportunity cost was originally proposed as an economic measure—the cost of something in terms of foregone opportunity. It is what a decision maker gives up when he takes one course of action and not another

Opportunity cost is not just an economic concept, however, it is a reality we live with every moment of our lives. Every action we take, every dollar we spend, everything we do—they all come with opportunity costs. It is as real as gravity and just as difficult to ignore. Just the way it is.

A prime weakness of modern governments is their refusal to address—or even acknowledge—opportunity costs.

So, let’s talk about the very hard reality that a dollar spent here is a dollar not spent there. A choice is made. It cannot be any other way. Yet government acts as though its resources are unlimited and money comes from a magical money tree.

Fact is, “our” government provides illegal immigrants with free cell phones, free food and clothes, free housing, free transportation, free medical care, free education, free welfare benefits—the list is very long. Some cross our border just to get their teeth fixed. I don’t blame them. They aren’t the stupid ones, we are.

Go to almost any K-12 public school in this country and you will find a significant percentage of students are not citizens. In some schools, the number approaches 100 percent. But 30 percent or more is not uncommon in the Desert Southwest and California.

But it is not “the government” who is paying for this; its the American citizens. All while we have millions of Americans who are in financial distress—made worse by the inflation this same government created.

Many of these citizens spilled blood for this country—and if not them, they have sons and daughters, uncles and aunts, grandparents, and friends and relatives who have. Yet when it comes to their social security checks or their healthcare benefits, or actually paying soldiers enough to keep them off food stamps, they are second class.

“A dollar spent there, is a dollar not spent here.” It is alway a choice. And judging from the incredible amount spent on folks who are here illegally, it seems near everyone and everything is placed above the American citizen.

The Biden Administration clearly places the citizens of Ukraine over American citizens—to the tune of tens of billions of dollars.

So don’t listen when the Left cries they need more money to help out those struggling Americans back home. Let them explain why the roads have potholes and the bridges are in ill-repair, the schools are terrible, police protection is a fading thought, the municipal water system is falling apart, and retirement and health care benefits aren’t enough to keep your grandparents from the poor house, yet they chose to spend money over there rather than over here.

They clearly made their choice and the choice wasn’t you.

Americans First – enVolve

Americans First – enVolve

These days it seems we are treated to yet another example of our supposed “representatives” favoring noncitizens over their fellow citizens every day. 
2 лет - перевести

I would like to see the "Wrath of God" sweep across the United States in a last-ditch effort to pull humanity into conforming to His will over that of their own, to return to the premise of that which is right over that which is wrong. As it now stands in my view, the Democrats and Republicans are showing signs of being no different and truth and honesty exist in neither. Both sides play games against the American people who trust them to have their backs when neither side actually does. There's no transparency and I'm sure by now it's with absolute reason. Maybe everything that takes place in Congress is an act or show to deceive the public into believing each side works to the benefit of their voters, when in fact each side works to the benefit of an agenda to which the voters are a target of and will pay the price to when the curtains actually fall and their real aggressions against us actually surface, and the real sorrows come to life. No, I don't trust government because it no longer harbors integrity.