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NIH COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3,6,57] We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence. #COVIDCriminals #COVIDChaos #COVIDCoercion #COVIDCoverUp #PandemicPanicTheater #COVIDTruth #VaccineInsanitySyndrome



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A Look at Medical Tyranny & Antisemitism Tyranny

SUMMARY: Share #ONE is Medical Tyranny as experienced by Dr. Simon Goddek. Dr. Goddek’s experience with Medical Tyranny led … to living in Brazilian jungle. Share #TWO is the tyranny of Antisemitism. The insights of Pam Kohler on circa WWII Antisemitism history leading to offer to help potential Jew-Hatred victims in the near future. –WONDER & READ:
#ResistTyranny #StopAntisemitism

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When Govt & Science LIES to YOU!
You’ve Heard “Trust but Verify” – WAKE-UP and Verify BEFORE YOU Trust!

SUMMARY: J6 Lies exposed by the release of most the J6 video feeds which destroys the Dem-Marxist/RINO narrative of an insurrection. The proof shows an incited Fedsurrection. ALSO the Documentary “Kill Shot” reveals Govt-Science lies about mRNA “Safe & Effective” narrative. LESSON: Verify BEFORE Trust:
#verifybeforetrust #govtlies #resisttyranny

SlantRight 2.0: When Govt & Science LIES to YOU!

SlantRight 2.0: When Govt & Science LIES to YOU!

You’ve Heard “Trust but Verify” – WAKE-UP and Verify BEFORE YOU Trust! John R. Houk, Blog Editor © November 22, 2023   Bitchute VIDE...
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Looking at Tyranny to Resist

SUMMARY: TODAY I’m posting a lot of videos I’ve either ran into on various Social Media Platforms, but primarily from Telegram surfing. If I was to label a theme, the line of thought is the government is tyranny-oriented and Medical Tyranny is a huge subset of government control. AND FOR THAT MATTER, I can toss in a large dash of Globalist Agenda New World Order. –TAKE A LOOK:
#resisttyranny #knowtheenemy

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Sharing Exposing Govt/Medical Tyranny Via Dr. Robert Malone, Et Al

SUMMARY: Dr. Robert Malone has become controversial to Globalists who have come to hate him and by many who fight Medical Tyranny also display animus toward Dr. Malone. … I DO KNOW the information put out by Dr. Malone at the very least places dents in the agendas to control the majority with the unelected power of the (largely wealthy Leftist) Globalist minority. READ&WATCH-GOVT/MEDICAL TYRANNY:
#govtcensorship #5thgenerationwarfare #medicaltyranny

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Did Our Founders Create a Republic for a Dystopian Tyranny?

SUMMARY: I am concerned for the existence of the existence of the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America. In my near 67 years of life, I’ve noticed a slow shredding of our Founders’ Original Intent Constitution… MORE TO READ – Founders’ Docs Abused by Revised History; 3 Cross Posts from THE EXPOSE Globalist/Medical Tyranny; & a Bitchute version of FULL D’Souza Documentary “Police State” to WATCH. Lengthy But Worthy of Patriot ATTN:
#resisttyranny #preserveliberty


COVID-19: Political Hypocrisy & Oppression