Christian revival in Iran: The answer to today's Mideast conflict #jesus #iran #middleeast #christianpersecution #israel #antisemitism #christians #christianity #salvation

Christian revival in Iran: The answer to today's Mideast conflict | WND | by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz

Christian revival in Iran: The answer to today's Mideast conflict | WND | by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz

ISRAEL – The current and ongoing war is presenting Israel with a multi-front existential threat it has not seen since the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Christian revival in Iran: The answer to today's Mideast conflict #jesus #iran #middleeast #christianpersecution #israel #antisemitism #christians #christianity #salvation

Christian revival in Iran: The answer to today's Mideast conflict | WND | by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz

Christian revival in Iran: The answer to today's Mideast conflict | WND | by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz

ISRAEL – The current and ongoing war is presenting Israel with a multi-front existential threat it has not seen since the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Dutch Pentecost Conference Sees 63K Participants Glorify God #jesus #christians #christianity #salvation #holland #netherlands #festival #music



The month of May brought some amazing examples of the power of God on display around the world from multiple massive bap

We love Him because He first loved us.
1 John 4:19
- MAY 31 -

Do you believe that God loves you with an unchanging love today? Even if you’ve just failed or made a mistake? This, my friend, is where the rubber meets the road in our Christian walk every day.

I’m here to tell you beyond the shadow of a doubt that God loves you with an everlasting love. His love for you is unconditional (Titus 3:3–5 NAS. It is a love that is so pure, pristine, and marvelous. It has nothing to do with your performance, but everything to do with who you are in His eyes—His beloved.

The emphasis of the old covenant of the law was all about your love for God, whereas the emphasis of the new covenant of grace is all about God’s love for you. The sum total of the law under the old covenant is, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength” (Deut. 6:5, Matt. 22:37, 4.

Let’s be honest here. Have you ever met anyone who can love God this way? Of course not. It’s a human impossibility. The law was designed to show us that we are incapable of loving God perfectly.

Knowing that man wouldn’t be able to fulfill His commandment to love Him with all his heart, all his soul, all his mind, and all his strength, do you know what God did? He demonstrated how only He could love us with all His heart, all His soul, all His mind, and all His strength when He sent His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us from all our sins with His own blood.

That is why the new covenant is all about God’s love for you and not your love for Him! Under grace, God doesn’t want you to focus your thoughts on, “Do I really love God?” That’s not the focus of the new covenant. Under grace, God wants you to focus on His love for you. Therefore, the questions you should be asking yourself are:

“Do I know how much God loves me today?”

“Do I really believe that God loves me right now?”

Choose to believe right about how God loves you today. It makes all the difference in the world to how quickly you are able to get back on your feet, and go from faith to faith and strength to strength in your walk with Him.

This devotional is taken from the book 100 Days of Right Believing—Daily Readings from The Power of Right Believing by Joseph Prince. #yeshua #yeshuahamashiach #jesus #love #god #grace #bible #faith #scripture #christian #christianity #christianliving #love #guidance #peace #shalom #lord #prayer #salvation #sin #righteousness #righteous #forgiveness #believer #law #spiritualwarfare #truth #freedom #promises #blessing #believe #believers #holyspirit #religion #biblestudy #beloved


“I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5
- MAY 28 -

If you are facing a medical challenge today, I pray the Lord will impart hope, life, and strength to you. Maybe you have gathered the Communion elements and have started to partake of them. If so, praise the Lord! Keep persevering till you receive your breakthrough.

But maybe you are thinking, I have read so many testimonies, and it feels like everyone else has received their breakthroughs and are experiencing their mountaintops. But where is God in my situation? Am I going to stay in this valley forever?

Beloved, I want you to know He never leaves you nor forsakes you. He is near to those who are brokenhearted (Ps. 34:18), and right now He is drawn to you in your situation as you cry out to Him.

He is both the God of the mountaintops and the God of the valleys (1 Kings 20:28). He is with you even in the valley, and because of that, you can have the confidence that you will get through it (Ps. 23:4).

I really believe knowing the truths about the holy Communion can mean the difference between life and death for you and your loved ones. In fact, I experienced the healing power of the holy Communion as I was writing my book, Eat Your Way to Life and Health.

When my six-year-old son, Justin, fell from a structure in the schoolyard and hurt his head, my wife, Wendy, took him to the hospital for a thorough checkup. The doctors put him through a CT scan and discovered he had fractured his skull. After he started throwing up, a more detailed scan found a second fracture in his skull. They also discovered some bleeding in his skull as well as blood in his middle ear.

It was heart-wrenching for me to watch my little boy crying and clutching his head, twisting and turning in a vain attempt to stop the intense pain. It was also not easy for me to look at the scans and listen to his doctor talk about the possible effect of the injury on Justin’s brain. Fear crept into my heart, and it was truly a fight to remain at rest.

Apart from giving him painkillers and monitoring him, the doctors couldn’t do much for Justin. But Wendy and I knew God could, and during the entire period of his hospitalization, we partook of the Communion with him at least three or four times each day.

Amazingly, every time we partook of the Communion with Justin, his headaches got less painful, and he got better and better. The doctors expected Justin to take at least six weeks to get better, but the Lord so accelerated his recovery that in less than three weeks, they gave him the all clear to return to school. All glory to Jesus!

This devotional is taken from the book The Healing Power of the Holy Communion—A 90-Day Devotional by Joseph Prince. #yeshua #yeshuahamashiach #jesus #love #god #grace #bible #faith #scripture #christian #christianity #christianliving #love #guidance #peace #shalom #lord #prayer #salvation #sin #righteousness #righteous #forgiveness #believer #law #spiritualwarfare #truth #freedom #promises #blessing #believe #believers #holyspirit #religion #biblestudy #shame #guilt


There is a spiritual battle going on for the minds and souls of our nation's people. Biblical related news on national and world wide politics as well as scripture and end times. The best news is the good news of the gospel: all sins, past present and future, forgiven through confessing faith in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.