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Mysterious Jew-Hatred & FBI Turns Secret Police

SUMMARY: Cherie Zaslawsky looks Palestinian origins via old USSR Psy-Op against the Jewish Homeland of Israel followed by Leo Hohmann sharing opinion of the FBI turned Dem-Marxist Secret Police. ONLY KIND-A RELATED CROSS POSTS – TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3R3OBPa
#psuedopalestinians #fbisecretpolice



Don’t watch this crap show!!! Boycott Fox News for giving the worst governor in history a platform!!
For Sean Hannity to be the moderator, that’s a joke in itself! Hannity loves hearing himself talk so there you go.

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Hillsdale College ‘Great Reset’ Video Series

SUMMARY: 6 Hillsdale College video lectures from early Nov 2021 on Great Reset tyranny agenda. True in 2021 & true now. TAKE A LOOK: https://johnhouk.substack.com/....p/hillsdale-college-

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A Look at Medical Tyranny & Antisemitism Tyranny

SUMMARY: Share #ONE is Medical Tyranny as experienced by Dr. Simon Goddek. Dr. Goddek’s experience with Medical Tyranny led … to living in Brazilian jungle. Share #TWO is the tyranny of Antisemitism. The insights of Pam Kohler on circa WWII Antisemitism history leading to offer to help potential Jew-Hatred victims in the near future. –WONDER & READ: https://bit.ly/40WurLq
#ResistTyranny #StopAntisemitism


A MAGA conservative group of patriots who support President Trump, the second amendment, life, liberty, freedom of speech, school choice, family and God.