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FOURTH REICH: EU Says May Recognize Islamic-Terror State Next Month

So the continent that rid itself of its Jews is going to reward savage terrorists for the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust and give them a terror state to finish the job Hitler started. Nazi bastards….

The Holocaust, while it was a German initiative, was carried out by every nation in Europe, save for the Danes. The New York Times reported the discovery of 42,500 Nazi ghettos and camps over 13 years of analysis. That number includes “killing centres,” forced labour camps, prisoner-of-war camps, brothels and “care” centres where pregnant women were forced to have abortions, the New York Times reported. 30,000 slave labour camps; 1,150 Jewish ghettos; 980 concentration camps; 1,000 prisoner-of-war camps; 500 brothels; and thousands of other camps for pregnant women and the elderly.

They’ve had a state – Gaza – since Israel pulled out in 2005. There hasn’t been so much as a Jewish toe in Gaza. And look what they did with it, look at the unimaginable evil they wrought. It’s not about a state. It’s about wiping the Jews off the map accoridng to Islamic texts and teachings.

Germany is the power behind the EU, I expect them to put a stop to this devouring.


FOURTH REICH: EU Says May Recognize Islamic-Terror State Next Month - Geller Report

FOURTH REICH: EU Says May Recognize Islamic-Terror State Next Month - Geller Report

So the continent that ride itself of its Jews is going to reward savage terrorists for continuing their atrocities and extermination of the Jews. Nazi bastards....